It has been a little while since my last update and some are wondering what I've been doing in Japan the last few weeks. This is the part of my trip where I try to recover from being on the road so much over the past few months. Mike lives in Osaka, where he works with corporate men and women who want to improve their English skills. And so, staying with him for a few weeks before we move on to China was a perfect interlude and a wonderful opportunity to visit Osaka again.
The first time I came to Japan was May of last year. This was a whirlwind type of trip where in three weeks we visited not only Osaka but also Tokyo, Kyoto, Nikko and Matsuyama in Shikoku. A total attack of the senses!
My second trip to Japan (in January of this year) was a bit more relaxed. We visited nearby towns like Arima, Kobe and Nara, but I mostly "dated" Osaka by hanging out with friends, going out to restaurants to take pleasure in the Japanese cuisine (everything from ramen, shabu shabu, nabe, tacoyaki, udon, okonomyyaki, omusoba, and of course, sushi!), and I went through my first experiences around the city without Mike as my guide and translator.
This third time, well, I feel like I have an established relationship with this city, albeit not an intimate one. I know the stores, the markets, the subway system (ok, that's a lie. I know 1 or 2 lines of the many in Osaka)....but I do navigate my way around fairly well. Yet, my relationship with Osaka is a bit more complicated than I make it seem. You see, comfort is found only in the familiar and panic still ensues when confronted with the language. My attempts to interact in a basic manner are foiled by my inability to understand Japanese. Like when I tried to pay for 3 bottles of juice and the cashier was trying to explain that the limit of purchase for this sale is 2 per person. Or when the lady at the supermarket asks me if I want chopsticks for my sushi - why does she have to talk to me? Can't I just pay for it and be on my way? Or my ambitious attempt to buy a new bra, as I explained that although is looks like I'm a B-cup, I'm really an A-cup since this is all padding....I couldn't explain it, she couldn't understand, so instead I got top notch service by having her come into the changeroom with me until we found a perfect fit via trial and error. Oh boy....
So I have spent these few weeks reading, exploring the city, going out to eat with Mike and his friends, catching up with my family at home and planning my trip to China!

Mike and I out to dinner with his friends Jeremy and Kayo.
Japan is truly an incredible place. For those of you looking for a genuine travel experience, I urge you to consider coming here. It'll give you everything you're looking for: a true culture shock, incredible sights, a deep rooted history rich in traditions and customs, modern city life at its best, all the technology you can handle and a gastronomic paradise of diverse cuisine.
A few days ago, I found a pictorial book of Toronto that Mike uses to show his students where he comes from. Upon my return home, I hope to start to look at things without the apathy that comes with all that is readily accessible and familiar. Maybe it's time to do some exploring in my own backyard...
The flowers of the cherry blossoms are falling and my time in Japan is coming to an end. I'll enjoy these next few days and will write again soon.

Above: fallen flowers from the cherry blossoms now cover the parks. Only a week ago they were in all their glory, full bloom.