We chose to go to a section of the wall called Jinshanling, where it is far from the crowds of tourists. We drove almost 5 hours from Beijing to get there, and it was magical!
The climb from Jinshanling to Simatai was 10 km long, and some parts were so steep! We loved every moment of it!
You can't believe how massive this wall is!
The views from the wall are breathtaking.
We were lucky enough to have a perfectly sunny day with blue skies and a constant gentle breeze.
On the way down from the wall, we had the option of 'zip-lining'. I was terrified but I could see in Mike's eyes that he really wanted to do it, and so......
But Zip-Lines are SO MUCH FUN!
I just heard about you coming back to us soon, and I will be counting the days, waiting for your stories!
I hope the remaider of your trip is AMAZING!
See you soooooon :)
Well well well. I'm SOOOO shocked that you didn't zip-line. If I was there, could I have made you? I'll have to teach Mike some of my trickery... Who am I kidding??? I wouldn't have done it either! But shhhh, don't tell anyone ;) Can't wait to see you. Tell Mike we're down to the conference finals- Buffalo/Ottawa and Detroit/Anaheim.
Oii Luu!!
Obrigada pelo cartão postal!! Muito lindo..adorei receber =)
Adorei suas fotos também, estão lindas!! E que viagem maravilhosa que você está fazendo hein??! ;)
Da até vontade de estar ai com você..;)
Oi minha linda
Lu, vc comeu aquele espetinho de escorpião? Mas me diga, se for gostoso também quero!!!
Que lugar lindo, colorido, e tem muito chinês ai, né Lu.
Amamos você.
I'm not sure if I could have mustered up the courage to zip-line in China.....good for you guys! I can't wait for you to get back (are you back today???May 15th) We will have to get together when your jet leg has settled. Mel
Hey Mel...I'm still in Asia, now back in Tokyo. I'll be home next week and my adventures end.
I can't wait to see you guys!
Love, Mila
Good post.
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