It has been a scorcher around here for the past few days and I must admit that I am loving every second of it! The sun is bright, there is always a lovely breeze, and the heat has been browning my skin. Life is fantastic down under….
I am having the time of my life. It is easy to love Australia. In many ways, it’s much like home: big houses, cheesy TV shows, people love a coffee break, and most things are pretty expensive. The differences, well, refer to paragraph 1. But that’s not all. The aussie attitude isn’t just laid back, it’s easy-going. Their humour isn’t forced, and there isn’t that politically correct conscience all of the time. Yesterday, I read the bumper sticker of a construction company that said, “Our business is erections!”. Get it?
School is ‘brilliant’, like my new Irish friend Emily always says. The course is fulfilling my expectations and surprising me in many ways. Yes, I am learning some new techniques, which I crave so badly. But more than that, I am beginning to have an appreciation for the theory behind it, and a MUCH clearer understanding of the anatomy that underlies it all. We learned the simplest concept today, which I have been previously taught in both my undergraduate training and in some of my post-graduate courses. But I admit that I have never understood it as I did after our session today. I wish I could turn back the clock and go back to some of my old patients… many future ones will benefit from this…and isn’t that enough reason to attend this course?
Ok, I realize I am boring you with all my physio gushing. Here’s some of the other great stuff I keep smiling about:
The apartment where I’m staying is an 8-minute walk from Swan River. If you look on a map of Perth, you can’t miss it. After school, some of the girls and I often walk down to the shore, lie in the sand and let the sun kiss our skin. I was so relaxed the other day, as I listened to the sound of the waves, that I fell asleep! Oh, and what a nap it was!
Something tells me we're going to confuse people when we meet up in New Zealand- you with your beautiful tan and me with my pasty winter-white complexion (not to be confused with my pasty summer-white tan!). I'm sweating just reading your entry! Sounds like you're having a blast. Enjoy!
Love JP
Holy Heat!
42 is hot and yes, we experienced it here as well, especially during New Years in Mendoza. Unlike you, I complained a lot about the sweltering weather but yesterday, I just checked the weather on my beloved CBC and found home to be under a layer of freezing weather. Minus 25 with windchill. Yuck. I don´t think i´ll complain anymore, especially when our time here is on the short end....
Great pics, by the way. I´ve never been to Japan, but I´ve always wanted to go and now Melanie is convinced...
Cheers for now,
looks like you are having an amazing time!!
I enjoy reading your blogs (and trust me I will keep on reading them).
I am so jealous of the weather, I was saying before Christmas that all I wanted was some snow. Well now we have some, and holy it's COLD!
I hope you keep on enjoying yourself!
See you when you get back!
P.s. I'm all done exams now!
And my application to college is complete.
I have a question. Why was there no people at the beach? And even more concerning, where are the swans? I believe that the influx of Canadians, Irish, and whoever else is in that clique of yours is endangering the ecosystem. Notice in the picture of Ludmila shopping that the man in the white hat is being repelled away. Is anyone willing to join my the environment!
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