My 28th birthday was celebrated in a bit of an unusual way. Last year, I went bowling with my friends, and got my butt kicked by Jenn and Sean. This year, I let one of the three advancing glaciers in the world humble me.
Meet Franz Josef....

We took this picture en route to the face of the glacier, which was still 2 km away, eventhough it looks like it's 2 feet away.....indescribable!

Our guide Henry passed right by this, without a second look. This was the point where I started to wonder what Jenn got me into.....

....and also why she wouldn't let me read the disclaimer I signed minutes before.
The hike was an all-day affair, and although they called it a walk, it was a full-out climb. The physical portion is what i was most worried about. But the pounding of my heart wasn't just coming from the struggle of my lungs and muscles, rather from pure fear!
You will not be able to see pictures of the most frightening moments. Jenn and I were not concerned with photo-ops at these points. All you will see are happy still shots, when we're upright, with two feet on the ground. The rest of it, will remain in my memory, so I never agree to do this again.
Yes, it was the coolest way to spend my birthday and the hardest thing I've done on this trip so far. But really, all I could think about was each step ahead of me. I was truly in the present, as I've never been before.
Note: spending two months on beaches in Australia is not good training for New Zealand.

A small crevasse....they got so much bigger than this. The largest we had to hurdle across was about 3 feet, adn you couldn't see the bottom. I was in disbelief that they were asking me to do this. I had to propel my body forward and hope to God I made it to the other side.

Some of the ice....

Our guide got us lost for about an hour amidst the ice. Seriously! But what were we to do? He was the one with the axe!

Smooth sailing....

...getting a little steeper

This picture is not upright. He is our guide, adn he is actually carving steps up for us so we could pull ourselves up on the rope. Turn this picture 90 degrees and you'll have a small idea of what we were being asked to do.

This is Jenn at our highest point in the glacier. We froze our bums off having lunch here....but we were thankful to be in one piece. Next problem: coming down!

Almost half way down, on a break. I was so scared here. The way down was quite steep, and muscle control was at a minimum. For the physios out there, Jenn and I apparently have more knee hyperextension than we thought! Lock 'hem up!

This is an ice cave. No, we didn't fit through this. Would have been nice though to get out of there in a nice little tunnel.
Lastly, I have to thank my friend Jenn. Without her, I would never have done this. She has pushed me to do things out of my comfort zone throughout this trip, and it has both humbled me and surprised me at every turn. You rock Jenny P., even if you got a little, ok a lot, scared yourself!
What? You didn't bring any cake or presents along. Well, I guess you'll have to come by my place to get some of that.
Oh, and if you have time to get a sunrise or sunset picture from the top of the glacier on your way out, I think everyone would like to see that.
HAPPY B-DAY MILA!!!!!! Congrats on making it through the hike....what a way to start your 29th year!
Oi Lu
Minha princesa querida
Parabens pra vc, nesta data querida, maravilhosa, linda como vc LU.
Que passeio maravilhoso, lugares lindos poxa vc ta poderosa heim!
Beijos minha princesinha linda!
Oii Lu!!
Muitas felicidades, tudo de bom pra você!!
Que todos os seus sonhos se realizem!! =)
E que viagem maravilhosa você está fazendo!! Espero que aproveite muitoo!! ;)
Te AmOo mUiToO!!
BeijoS dA Fifa!! =*
Feliz Aniversário Ludmila!!
Parabéns pra você!
Saudades do tio Roberto
Carissima amiga Ludmila:
Gostaria de parabeniza-la pela passagem de seu aniversario com a seguinte mensagem:
Pra você...
Que neste dia tão especial o Senhor esteja na tua frente para te mostrar o caminho certo...
Que o Senhor esteja ao teu lado, para te abraçar e proteger...
Que o Senhor esteja atrás de ti, para te salvar de pessoas falsas...
Que o Senhor esteja debaixo de ti, para te amparar quando caíres e que te tire das armadilhas...
Que o Senhor esteja dentro de ti, para te consolar quando estiveres triste...
Que o Senhor esteja ao redor de ti,
para te defender quando outros te atacarem...
Que o Senhor esteja sobre ti abençoando-te sempre...
Que seus caminhos permaneçam sempre iluminados, para que você possa continuar a iluminar também aqueles que têm a oportunidade de trilhar com você,um trechinho desta longa jornada!
Muita saúde, paz , felicidade e alegria...
Tudo de melhor para você... neste dia tão especial !
Feliz Aniversário!!!
Adorei saber e ver que esta aproveitando bastante nesta sua linda viagem......
Isto mesmo, aproveite bem e desfrute com sabedoria tudo isto. Afinal, voce merece muito tudo isto que esta acontecendo com voce....felicidades, hoje e sempre....
Adoramos voce.....voce e uma pessoa muito especial para todos nos.
Um grande abracao de seus amigos....
Elizabeth & Familia
Happy Birthday, Mila!!
The wishes are a couple days late, but hopefully you'll keep on celebrating the arrival of your 29th year! The pictures and emails/journals from both you and Jenn are amazing! Enjoy the rest of your adventures!!
Danielle :)
Luuuuuu...vamos ver se vai agora!!!
Um grande beijo da sua prima que te ama,
Minha mãe está mandando aquele abraço e aquele beijo grande que voce sabe que ela dá...
Oiii...Lu minha querida princesinha
Lu vi suas fotos na caverna com aquele capacete com lanterna, ai..
essa avestura é demais.
Lu obrigada pelo postal que vc me enviou lá da Nova Zelândia, é maravilhoso!!
Lu, te amo muito, fique com Deus
Beijos =*
Acho que vc entrou numa fria! risos... Beijos mil da sua prima Alexandra!
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