The poor thing endured a 22-hour flight, a missed connection in L.A., and then arrived to find that her luggage was lost by the airline, only to be delivered 2 days later. Yet, we're having the time of our lives!!!!
Amber and I couldn't stop interrupting each other with stories from the last 2 months that we've been apart. We started walking towards the Circular Quay as we blabbed, and before we knew it, we stumbled upon the most magnificent sight: the Sydney Opera House. This sent us running towards it like little girls after the ice cream man on a summer's day.

The Opera House is indescribable.....enormous and magnificent, it demands your attention and awe like few other structures I've seen. We walked all around it and took a million pictures from every possible angle. We sat in one of the surrounding cafes and enjoyed a glass of white wine while we caught up on each others' lives.
Afterwards, we headed to the Rocks, a trendy spot lined with eateries, an outdoor market, music, and tonnes of people. We shopped, laughed, ate a lovely lunch, and generally eased ourselves into these new surroundings.

Next was the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We hiked across and I was fascinated by, what else, the view!

We explored the shopping district of the city as well. The hotel we stayed in was in a VERY upscale little area, where names liek Gucci, Armani, and Tiffani were all around us. No, we didn't break the bank, but we walked so much that Amber's poor little feet were blistered and bleeding by the time we headed home.
The night brought us to Chinatown, where we still had plenty of conversation to catch up on over noodles and fried rice.
We are intoxicated with the city life Sydney offers. Your eyes are always focusing on something new, be it the architecture in the business district, the couture in the shopping areas or the breathtaking sights of the Circular Quay.

Unfortunately, the weather on the second day was not our friend. We woke up to rain, clouds and still no luggage. Do you think that kept us from hitting the beach? Hell no!
Manly here we come!
We took the 30-minute ferry across to Manly, and seeing the harbour from the water is priceless.
(interruption: excuse me, I realize that all the adjectives above are meaningless in the context that they are used. I have truly ran out of words that could do justice to what I feel, see and experience. I hope the pictures do a better job than the narration in telling the story of this trip).
Manly was bustling with action, even on a rainy, ugly day. There were people learning to surf, others actually getting up on the board, some swimming and a bunch who seemed to come for the food, drinks and view, like us!
At night, we were treated to an authentic Australian meal. Amber's mom has friends who live in a suburb outside of Sydney. Their son picked us up and took us to Bondi beach, where w had drinks overlooking the water and walked along the rocks. The beach is famous for good reason. Soft sand, fantastic waves, and lots of good looking people. Our dinner hosts, Anita and John, were incredibly gracious. They taught us about local customs and foods, and served us an incredible meal: wine, lamb with mint jelly, roasted potatoes, mushrooms, onions, greens with avocado and kangaroo! Animal lovers beware: it was delicious!
Apart from the meal and the friendly conversation, we were treated to a night tour of Sydney, going to different parts of the city to see the Opera House and Harbour Bridge from different angles. We were marvelled at every turn.....there are so many ways to see a city....
On our last day in Sydney, the weather was still not cooperating. The cloudy skies did not prevent us from getting on a bus to Bondi beach early in the morning. Coffee in hand, bathing suit on, and sunscreen in our bags, we hit Bondi, hoping for sunshine. No such luck. It was spitting rain on and off....we distracted ourselves by visiting the surf shops and enjoying breakfast overlooking the ocean. Still, the skies never opened up and we came home disappointed.

Tomorrow morning we fly to Cairns: Great Barrier Reef here we come!!!!!!
I wanna learn to surf. I wanna see indescribable sights. I wanna go to the beach. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna...
Well, I might go to Okinawa/Ishigaki this weekend to escape to 25 degree weather, but I still can't compete with Cairns.
I wanna go to Cairns!
Glad to hear you've been doing lots of walking. I'll be expecting piggybacks when I see you next! Make sure you keep that other one out of trouble- you two seem like a lethal combo. Take care.
The latecomer that I am, just wanted to marvel at the magnificent pics and I could literally feel your passion in your descriptin of the places. Thanks Mila for sharing your adventures with such zest!
Jane W
Hey Mila... I am friend of Amber's... glad to see you two are having a blast... your pictures are amazing... I am so jealous! I hope you two enjoy the rest of your travels... don't let Amber get too out of control, as you probably know she can get a little crazy!!! I will keep checking for updates... tell my girl I love her!!!
I'm so jealous!! I hope you and Amber continue to have an awesome time and can't wait until you get home!
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